

It's time to put away the only Christmas decoration in the house: this small folding paper Christmas tree. I'm glad that Christmas has come to an end, because I'm not a fan of Christmas music that is played too loud everywhere, other than Vince Guaraldi:

  • put away【句動】片付ける、しまう、しまい込む、収納する (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
I'm sorry not to have written any posts in December until today. I wonder if I can do better next year.

Like a lot of you must be doing, I'm trying to clean up the house.
  • clean up【句動】きれいに掃除[清掃]する、片付ける、浄化する、後片付けをする、部屋をきれいにする、きちんと整理する、きちんと身支度をする、身なりを整える、着替えをする、体を洗う (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
There are lots of things to throw away. The windows should be cleaned. The bathroom and toilet should be scrubbed with extra effort, and all of the nooks and crannies should be dusted or vacuumed.
  • throw away【句動】~を投げ捨てる (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
  • scrub 洗う、磨く (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
  • nooks and crannies 隅々
  • dust【句動】~のほこりを払う、~のちりを払う (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
  • vacuum【他動】~を電気掃除機で掃除する (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
I think getting rid of a lot of things over the course of the year will make cleaning this year easier. It's nice to have more space, as well.
  • get rid of〔好ましくない物を〕取り除く、駆除する、一掃する、処分する (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
It seems to really be true that sprucing up your living space can do the same to your thinking. It's refreshing!
  • spruce up【句動】こぎれいにする、めかす、身なりを整える、美化する (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
After I have done some cleaning, I'll be back to wrap up our posts for 2012. I hope your cleaning up goes smoothly! I hope you will consider sprucing up your English next year at our school, too.
