

This curry restaurant in Osaka ought to be careful about their English. Their menu says:
× Arfy Two Curry of your Choice
◯ ??? (Probably, they want to say "Two curries of your choice"'
I am always complaining about English mistakes I see in public. Actually, many times its not such a big deal.
  • a big deal 大したこと
The purpose of language is communication. If I can understand the meaning, then at least the basic goal has been reached.
  •  reach a specific goal 具体的{ぐたい てき}な目的{もくてき}[目標{もくひょう}]を実現{じつげん}する (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
However, if I can't guess the meaning, then communication hasn't happened. In that case, the use of English has failed. That's what is happening here, with the word "arfy". Does anyone have a guess as to what they mean?

I'll bring you another blog post later this week.

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