

The weather has been getting cooler, so I've started wearing my hoodies.

You all might have felt with the cooler weather that it was time for shopping for clothing
  • clothing = clothes =  服
I was out shopping somewhere (I can't remember where) and I saw this sign. It says:
× goods, wear
○ goods, clothes/clothing/apparel
"Wear" is a verb or a suffix, usually. It's most common as a verb, like "make sure you wear enough when you go out, since it's cold."

As a suffix, we use it in words like "underwear" and "formalwear".
  • underwear【名】肌着類{はだぎ るい}、下着{したぎ}、肌着{はだぎ}、パンツ (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
  • formalwear【名】正装{せいそう}(definition from Eijiro on the Web) 
  • suffix  接尾辞 (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
Sometimes we use it with an adjective as an independent word, like:
  • I guess you have already put away all of your summer wear.
However, I prefer this:
  • I guess you have already put away all of your summer clothing.
If you've been making this mistake, don't worry! Just wear a smile and try to avoid making it in the future.
  •  wear a smile 笑みをたたえる (definition from Eijiro on the Web)

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