Over the holiday weekend, I moved our website to a new hosting company.
over the weekend 週末{しゅうまつ}に~
holiday weekend 祭日{さいじつ}と重なる週末{しゅうまつ}(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
The internet is a complex system. Have you ever thought about how it works? Basically, you type an address into your browser. The address you use is an easier one, though. For example, when you type the address for this blog, "upgradeenglish.blogspot.com", there is a special computer (called a "name server") out on the internet that
converts this address to something called an IP address. For upgradeenglish.blogspot.com, the IP address is
convert コンバート, コンヴァート, 転換 (definition from jmdict)
Basically the computer at that IP address gives you the web page that you have requested.
When I moved our website to a new hosting company, the IP address changed, even though the name you use, upgradeenglish.com, didn't change. It takes some time for all the name servers to know the new IP address.
On Sunday night when I looked at the webpage, I saw this page which said "
oops 【間投】
・Oops, I did it again. : やばい、またやっちゃった。
・Oops, I hadn't thought of that! : しまった、それを忘れてた。◆【場面】計画などに見落としがあった。
Use "oops" by itself, often followed by a "!" to
acknowledge a mistake.
You may learn a lot to acknowledge your mistakes and this will help your effort for self improvement. もっと自分の間違いを素直に認めるようにすれば、内面的な成長の役に立つはずです。◆【出典】Hiragana Times, 1993年12月号(株式会社ヤック企) (sample from Eijiro on the Web)
As a result, some of you may have seen a broken webpage on the weekend or had trouble sending me email. If you did, I'm sorry about that! Everything seems to be working fine now, though.
I also recently found out I had a Japanese spelling mistake on the website. I wrote "ブログ" as "ブロッグ".
Oops! If you find any mistakes, please let me know!