Is OK a good thing or bad thing? Ok, I suppose it depends on the situation.
Here are some definitions for OK from Eijiro on the web.
Is everything OK? : すべて順調[大丈夫]ですか?、すべてうまくいっていますか?
I hope everything will be OK. : うまくいくといいんだけど.
I am an OK cook. : 私の料理の腕は人並み[まあまあ]です。
So as you see if something is okay, it doesn't always have a good meaning.
I am sure you are familiar with ALSOK. I had always wondered what it stood for. I didn't find out until very recently. If your security is always (just) ok do you feel 100% safe? Maybe "Always Security Great" or "Always Security Fantastic" would have been better but "ALGREAT" or "ALFANT" doesn't have a nice ring to it. Maybe ALSOK is an ok name after all.
Useful vocabulary
have a nice ring
〔言葉などが〕耳に心地良い、語呂がいい、響きが良い、すてきな響きがある◆しばしばhas a nice ring to itの形で
after all
・It is, after all, only a movie! : しょせん、それはただの映画なんだから!
・After all he is a fool. : 何と言ったってやつはばかなんだからな。
・After all, human beings are all very much alike. : 結局どこの人間も同じってことですね。
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