

It's been almost three years since I wrote about Family Mart's English mistakes, and they still haven't done anything about it!
× Every Life, Every Fun
○ ??? I don't know what they want to say. Maybe "fun for everyone!"...
When you read that, what do you think? As a Japanese person, does that phrase make you interested in Family Mart? Does it encourage you to spend money there? I always wonder if this is a kind of English that somehow Japanese people can understand, even if I cannot.

"Fun" is an uncountable noun if we use it like this:
  • I have fun finding English mistakes in public.
  • How much fun would it be to talk to the CEO of Family Mart about their English usage?
"Fun" is an adjective, and we can use it like this:
  • It's a fun activity to hunt down mistakes like this.
While we are talking about "fun", it's good to remember the difference between "fun" and "funny". "Fun" means "enjoyable", while "funny" means "humorous". 
  • fun 楽しい
  • funny おかしい、ユーモアのある
When I read the Family Mart sign, I think it's funny that a large successful company can make silly mistakes like this. It's also a little sad.

We have a three-day weekend coming up. I hope all of you have a lot of fun!

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