

About 72 percent of you readers came to our blog last year from search engines.
  • search engine《イ》サーチ・エンジン、検索エンジン、検索ソフト (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
These are the things that people were searching for the most:

3. disgusting 使い方

There were plenty of disgusting things that happened last year, like the mass shootings in the US or the horrible gang rape of a woman in India. For me, the election of nationalists in Asia is pretty disgusting.
  • disgusting【形】むかつくような、うんざりさせる、胸が悪くなるような、実に嫌な、気持ち悪い、気色悪い、感じ(の)悪い、汚らわしい、〔気分的に〕最低な (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
  • mass shooting 銃乱射事件 (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
  • gang rape 輪姦 (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
  • nationalist【名】国家主義者、民族主義者、国粋主義者 (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
I managed to avoid cooking anything disgusting in 2012. Maybe my cooking skills are improving.

I hope that 2013 will be a less disgusting year geopolitically.
  • geopolitics【名】地政学◆【用法】単数扱い (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
Johnny wrote a good post about "disgusting" back in 2009:
2. wetty

Remember, in English we don't say "wetty". "Humid" is better. It's certainly not humid now. Check this post from 2010 about "wetty":
1. パーカー 英語

I think we've said enough about hoodies lately. There's lots on the blog about it. Somehow, though, people are really interested in them. If you are interested, there's this article at Wikipedia about hoodies:

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