

Recently I ate these instant noodles from Thailand. I like instant noodles from southeast Asia because I can find vegetarian-friendly ones and the spices are much more suitable for my palate.
  • suitable to one's palate = matching one's taste 
  • palate 味覚
  • suitable ふさわしい、適切な
I needed to check the instructions on the package to make sure that I didn't cook them too long. There's nothing worse than soggy instant noodles.
That's when I noticed that there was an English mistake!
× direction
  • soggy【形】〔水で〕ずぶぬれの、びしょぬれの (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
  • soggy noodles のびた麺
Check the definitions of these two words (definitions from Eijiro on the Web):
  • direction 1. 管理; 2. 指図[命令]すること; 3. 方向、向き
  • directions 指示(書)、説明(書)
"Direction" means, according to WordNet 3.0, "a line leading to a place or point".

"Directions", with an "s", means the same thing as "instructions", or a series of steps given to teach someone how to do something.

There are other meanings for the word "direction". For example, there is what movie directors do. They give direction to actors, camera men, and so on in order to make a movie.

Despite the mistake, I had no trouble making these instant noodles, and they were delicious.

If you need some direction on how to improve your English, please ask me! I'd also be happy for you to join one of our classes. If you are having trouble finding our classroom, we can give you directions.

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