× Renick, you like black color.Usuall we don't use the word "color" when talking about a particular color; we just say the name of the color directly, like:
◯ Renick, you like the color black.
◯ Renick, you like black. <- most natural, 自然な英語
A: What color is your bicycle?It's true that I like black. After that, my favorites are grey and white. <- note that "grey" can also be spelled "gray"
B: × It's red and black color.
◯ It's red and black.
These days, though, I'm becoming fond of pink, like the tshirt I'm wearing today. I suppose I'm pink on the inside, so why not be pink on the outside, too? Still, chances are if you see me, I'll be wearing black and gray.
- Chances are たぶん~であろう (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
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