

Chinese New Year is now over, and people in China have gone back to work.

Somehow, though, my neighbor is still in the New Year's mood.
  • in the mood
    気分{きぶん}が乗って、〔~しようという〕気[気持ち]になって (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
She put up her New Year's wreath a little bit after Christmas, and it's still there. She must really love the holidays.
  • wreath 花環 花冠 花輪 リース (definition from jmdict)
It's not really a big deal, I suppose. Maybe she's busy like me.
  • I suppose that ...
    ~じゃないかと思います。(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
Maybe she just likes the way it looks, like me and my blinking bracelet. In southern Taiwan, I found a Christmas tree still up in June. I don't remember well; maybe it was in the police station. I think they just thought it was really nice looking, and felt it would be a shame to take it down. She might be like those Taiwanese police officers.
  • What a shame it would be if we lost this game.
    この試合に負けたら悔しくてたまらない。(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
  • What a shame it would be to die now.
    今死ぬのは残念でならない[悔しくてたまらない]。(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
She might be procrastinating for some other reason.
  • procrastinate 延び延び (definition from jmdict)
Right now there are probably half a dozen things that I'm procrastinating with. I have had replacement parts for two computers sitting in boxes under my desk for almost seven months. I have fresh batteries for a tail light for my bicycle sitting on my desk. They've been there for about a month and a half, I guess.
  • fresh batteries 新品のバッテリー (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
Sometimes it's hard to get around to everything.
  • get around to ~するための時間{じかん}を見つける、~する時 間的余裕{じかん てき よゆう}ができる I couldn't get around to it. : そこまで手がまわりませんでした。(definition from Eijiro on the Web)

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