

Hey! I don't work at the cafe. I'm not in charge! I can't close the cafe. Only the employees can do that.
  • Who will be in charge?
    誰が責任者になる? (from Eijiro on the Web)

That's what this sign means. It's an imperative sentence, asking me to close the cafe.
× Close now.
◯ Sorry, we're closed. Please come again.
  • imperative sentence
    無条件完結文、命令文{めいれいぶん}(from Eijiro on the Web)
If you don't use a subject and start directly with a verb, it sounds like an order.
Study this blog post carefully! <- this is an order
Starbucks may be expensive, but it has two things going for it: no smoking and (mostly) correct English!
  • have ~ going for someone

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