

Yesterday was the summer solstice. Summer is here.
  • summer solstice《the ~》夏至{げし}(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
The temperatures matched the season, and it was necessary to turn on the air conditioner.

What temperature do you set the AC at? Right now, I have the thermostat set at 26 degrees. In the late evening, I'll try to turn off the AC and open the window.
  • thermostat 温度自動調節器{おん ど じどう ちょうせつき}、サーモスタット
I know some people avoid using the air conditioner at all costs.
  •  at all costs 費用{ひよう}がいくらかかっても、いかなる代価{だ いか}[代償{だいしょう}・犠牲{ぎせ い}]を払っても、ぜひとも (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
I can understand why. First, it's expensive to run it. I never like to see the electricity bill after a month of air conditioning. On top of that, people say it's not really comfortable. I suppose I can understand that sometimes, too. However, a room full of hot and sticky air isn't so comfortable either.

I've heard that Karuizawa is a good place to escape the heat, but after all, my life is in Tokyo. I can't escape Tokyo for four months, so I had better just find good ways to cope with the heat.
  • cope with
    1. 〔困難{こんなん}・問題{もんだい}など〕に立ち向かう
      ・They coped with the onslaught. : 彼らはその襲撃を切り抜けた。
    1. 〔嫌なこと・状況など〕に耐える (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
I just imagine that since yesterday was the longest day of the year, the days will be getting shorter. Since I'm getting older, time seems to pass faster. The benefit, I suppose, is that fall will be here before I know it.
  • before I know it あっという間に、思わず
I hope you all are drinking enough water. Don't pass out from heat stroke!
  • pass out 意識{いしき}を失う、気絶{きぜつ}[卒 倒{そっとう}]する It was so hot that I was afraid I would pass out if I worked outside. : とても暑かったので、外で作業をしたら倒れないかと心配だった。(definition and example from Eijiro on the Web)
  • heat stroke 熱射病{ねっしゃびょう}(definition from Eijiro on the Web)

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