This is our money tree. That's what we call this tree in English.
- money tree パキラ属、金のなる木、金づる (definition on Eijiro on the Web)
- cash-cow, money tree 金の成る木
What do you think I should do?
I would hire a specialist, but money doesn't grow on trees. So instead, I'm turning to you all for advice. Do you have good suggestions on how to trim the tree?
- Money doesn't grow on trees.《諺》金のなる木はない。/お金を楽に得る方法はない。(definition on Eijiro on the Web)
- trim a tree to make it look better 見栄えがするように木を剪定{せんてい}する (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
- trim a Christmas tree クリスマスツリーに飾りを付ける、クリスマスツリーの飾り付けをする(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
- winter solstice 《the ~》《天文》冬至点{とうじてん}(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
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