

Somebody was asking me about the difference between these two. We were talking about how people deal with cold weather.
× Cold weather becomes the demand for hot water bottles.
○ Cold weather increases the demand for hot water bottles.
○ Demand for hot water bottles becomes greater in cold weather.
○ Normally low demand becomes high demand in cold weather.
  • hot water bottle 湯たんぽ (definition from Weblio)
The key point to remember is that "increase" means a number is growing, while "become" can talk about any change. We can talk about "demand" as a number, so we can use "increase".
  • increase (数量・程度などが)ふえる,増加する (definition from Weblio)
  • become〈…に〉なる (definition from Weblio)
Another example we talked about was related to North Korea. We were discussing some possibilities, and these sentences came up:
× The crisis will increase more severe. <- a "crisis" is not a number
○ The crisis will become more severe.
○ A less-serious situation becomes a severe crisis.
○ The severity of the crisis will increase. <- "severity" can be ranked on a numeric scale
  • crisis 危機,決定的段階,重大局面 (definition from Weblio)
  • severe ひどい,猛烈な (definition from Weblio)
  • severity 重症度 (definition from Weblio)
I have been practicing making this five-spice tofu for a few weeks. It is becoming better each time I make it. The number of dishes that I can make is increasing, but I think I still can't become a restaurant owner. Not yet, anyway.

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