I started running a little over a month ago. Every time I put on my shoes...
× I feel like I'm in an Olympic game.We say "the Olympic Games" when we are talking about the sum of all of the events. It's also important to remember that one sport might have several events, like tennis has singles and doubles, soccer has men's and women's, and so on. "Games" often have points, but not all of them do, particularly races.
○ I feel like I'm in an Olympic event.
× I may feel like an Olympic player when I put on my shoes, but..."Players" is generally used for participants in games with points. An athlete is someone "a trained to compete in sports or exercises", according to dictionary.com.
○ I may feel like an Olympic athlete when I put on my shoes, but...
- athlete 【名】運動[スポーツ]選手、スポーツマン、スポーツ愛好家、競技者 (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
- Olympian オリンピック選手 (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
- admiration 【名】称賛、感心、感嘆 (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
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