

Two weekends ago I found that USB cables had been breeding in a box in my apartment, and that their population had really increased!
  • breed〔動物が〕子を産む、繁殖する (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
× I was clearing my room at that time.
○ I was cleaning my apartment at that time.

"Clear" means to get rid of everything, so that the space is empty. If a room is dangerous, the police might tell everyone to "clear the room!" They mean for everyone to get out of the room. 

"Clean" is a better choice when you are organizing things. I did clear the box of USB cables, though. The cables for some peripherals that I'd thrown away long ago were still in this box. Almost all of them got thrown out.

The other thing is that "room" means just one room in your apartment, which is one unit in your apartment building. My building has a lot of units, and my apartment has a few rooms, including the bathroom and the kitchen.

I always want my house to be more organized, and part of that is cleaning up clutter like these USB cables. 
  • clutter【名】散乱物、がらくたの山 (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
 I recommend you spend some time this weekend cleaning up clutter at your home.

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