
「need」の使い方, part 2

I was writing about "need" the other day. There are other ways to use "need". For example:
  1. This cutting needs potting. 
  2. = This cutting needs to be put into a pot.
  3. = I need to put this cutting into a pot.
The pattern is:
  • [noun] needs [verb+ing]
To be honest, I never use this pattern. It feels like something one of my grandmothers used to say. I'm more likely to use one of the other two patterns. Still, you should know about this pattern.

You couldn't use this pattern to say the sentence from the other day, though:
× Living in Tokyo doesn't need driving a car.
Getting back to my photo, the problem was that one stalk of our lucky bamboo was withering.
  • wither【自動】〔植物が〕しぼむ、しおれる、枯れる (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
The top was still green, though. I thought it needed trimming, so I cut it off and trimmed the withered part off of the stalk, too. I put the cutting in a cup of water with fertilizer, but today I should probably put it in some soil. I need to do it soon so that it has the best chance for survival.

If your English needs improving, please let me know!

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