

When I woke up on Tuesday, I checked the weather forecast. It called for rain.
  • call for ~を予言{よげん}する、~を予報{よほう}する (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
Sure enough, when I looked out the window, the sky was gray. That photo on the right is what I saw.

I looked down onto the street below, and most people were carrying umbrellas.
× Oh, it's going to be a raining day.
○ Oh, it's going to be a rainy day.
"Rainy" is an adjective. "Rain" is a verb, and "raining" (v+ing) is used in continuous tenses.
  • rainy 雨の、雨模様{あまもよう}の、雨降り{あめふり}の、雨の多い、雨にぬれた (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
I put on my rain suit on the way out the door and tried to avoid puddles as I was riding my bicycle around town. It was raining almost all day. I ride my bicycle every day, even if it rains. Still, I don't like rainy weather. Cold weather doesn't bother me so much, though.

One of the biggest problems with rainy weather and bicycles is the dirty water on the road. On the last rainy day, my tire or a passing car or bus must have thrown some water on my face. I was in a hurry somewhere. I took off my rain suit and went right inside. When I took a break about an hour later, I went to the restroom and found that I had a big black mark on my face!

If you see me on a rainy day and I have something black on my face, please tell me!

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