It's one of my favorite soups: the one with the five spice powder. The difference this time is that it's full of turnip greens and dried jujubes. The side dish is a kind of half-dried bean curd from Taiwan with cilantro and a soy-sauce-based sauce.
- turnip greens 《植物》カブラ菜
- jujube《植物》ナツメ (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
- 豆乾 dried bean curd (this is Chinese, not Japanese... I know. I don't know how to say this in Japanese).
× You are always appealing the food you make.I thought these dishes might be appealing for you. That's why I want to show off.
○ You are always promoting the food you make.
この共同プロジェクトはビーチ・リゾートの魅力をアピールして観光客を呼び戻すことを目指しています。 The joint project aims to revive tourist numbers by promoting the beach resorts' attractions. (example from Eijiro on the Web)
promote〔商品などを〕販売促進{はんばい そくしん}する、宣伝{せんでん}する (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
- appealing【形】人の心を動かす(ような)、魅力的{みりょくてき}な、おいしそうな、訴求力{そきゅう りょく}がある、目立つ{めだつ}、華々{はなばな}しい
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