

Last month the deadline for filing tax returns came. 

file a tax return〔税務署に〕申告書{しんこくしょ}を提出{ていしゅつ}する、確定{かくてい}[納税{のうぜい}]申告{しんこく}をする (definition from Eijiro on the Web)

When it was time for me to pay the taxes I owed, I went to a particular counter on the first floor of the tax office.

● tax office 税務署

I had paid, and then I needed to wait for them to give me a receipt. While I was waiting, I saw this poster on the wall. It says:

× PC good pay! Mobile good pay! ATM good pay!
◯ Paying by PC? OK! Cell phone? OK! ATM? OK!
◯ Paying by PC? Easy! Cell phone? Easy! ATM? Easy!

I'm not sure what to say about their mistake. Maybe the first point is that "pay" is a verb, while "good" is an adjective.

The second point is that they are a large organization, so they definitely have the budget to check this kind of thing with a professional editor. Someone is making a management mistake.

The third mistake might be marketing. Does this drawing of a foreign guy make you excited about paying your taxes?

I didn't pay with any of those methods, but for me paying at the counter was easy enough.

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