× Almost people like baseball.This was so funny, because the incorrect sentence means:
○ Almost all people like baseball.
- Those who are almost people like baseball. In other words, those who like baseball are not human. 野球が好きな人々は、ギリギリ人間しか居ない。← maybe somebody can fix my bad Japanese sentence. If you can, please let me know!
I talked about this common mistake back in 2009. You might like to reread that old blog post, too:
http://upgradeenglish.blogspot.jp/2009/04/almost-all-of-these-are-wrong.htmlI cooked these enchiladas back in January. I was thinking about food in Texas, and this is one the dishes that I used to eat a lot when I lived there.
- enchilada《メキシコ料理》エンチラーダ◆肉を詰めたトウモロコシパン。トマトチリソースで。(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
I think I can answer almost all of your questions about English. If you have some, let me know. Even better, think about coming to a class!
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