- 主語 (しゅご) (n) (ling) subject; (P);
- 関係詞節 relative clause
- Some noodles are shown in this photo.
- The noodles are sesame sauce noodles.
- The noodles that are shown in this photo are sesame sauce noodles.
- 胡麻 (ごま) (n) (uk) sesame (seeds);
- The noodles were delicious and reminded me of Taiwan.
- A Taiwanese vegetarian restaurant in Yokohama serves them.
- The noodles, which a Taiwanese vegetarian restaurant in Yokohama serves, were delicious and reminded me of Taiwan.
- I ate them at a restaurant.
- The restaurant is owned by a Taiwanese couple who have lived in Yokohama for more than 20 years.
- The restaurant which I ate them at is owned by a Taiwanese couple who have lived in Yokohama for more than 20 years.
- 有する (ゆうする) (vs-s) to own; to be endowed with; (P);
Here's a page about the restaurant in Japanese:
http://r.tabelog.com/kanagawa/A1401/A140105/14009294/They only gave the restaurant three stars, but I really like it. I go there every time I go to Yokohama. Try it if you get a chance.
More on 関係代名詞 soon.
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