Here are the questions I left you with yesterday.
leave A with B (definition and examples from Eijiro on the Web)First, remember the second rule:
She left the wallet she found with the station staff. : 彼女は偶然見つけた財布を駅員に届けた。The deliverer left the package with me to give to the neighbor. : 配達人はその包みを隣の家の人に渡すよう私に託して行った
In the case of a relative pronoun followed by a "be" verb, both may be left out.
- This photo, which was taken while walking along the Sumida River at night, shows the reflection of the lights on the water.
- × This photo, was taken while walking along the Sumida River at night, shows the reflection of the lights on the water.
- ○ This photo, taken while walking along the Sumida River at night, shows the reflection of the lights on the water.
- I'm not sure what the building which is on the left side of the photo is.
- × I'm not sure what the building is on the left side of the photo is.
- ○ I'm not sure what the building on the left side of the photo is.
- The fish which were jumping in the river can't be seen in the photo.
- × The fish were jumping in the river can't be seen in the photo.
- ○ The fish jumping in the river can't be seen in the photo.
These peaches, in season right now, are delicious!
- Apples will be in season soon. I wonder if my grandmother in Aomori will send me some again this year.
- もうすぐリンゴの季節。青森のおばあちゃん、今年もリンゴ送ってくれるかなあ。(sentence from Eijiro on the Web)
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