It was love at first sight. There she was swimming gracefully, and she was shiny and beautiful. We even got assurance from the fish shop oniisan that it was healthy and durable. I liked it. My son had no doubts it would be a nice addition to the fish tank. My daughter agreed. My wife also approved. Our journey home was smooth as the freeway was not crowded. We even stopped by for Chinese before heading home.
As soon as we got home we followed basic acclimation protocol. When we released her into the tank, she darted around before finding a good hiding place between the rocks. The next morning she was still too shy and hid behind the rocks. My daughter fed the fish in the tank and the newcomer partook in the feeding. "It looks like one of the colorful socks you have, dad." my daughter said. "Let's call her socks." "That's a perfect name." I replied. I observed the other two fish inhabitants and they all seemed fine. Soon after I went to work.
Later on the day I got a call from my daughter. "The shrimp (the other tank mate) is attacking Socks. It is on the verge of death." When I got home, Socks was on her last legs (or fins) Hardly able to move, she lay on one of the rocks. She died soon after. Socks was with us less than 24 hours.
Right before hitting the sack, my wife (sympathetically) said "Poor fish. We shouldn't have bought it. We should have just left it in the shop." Sigh... I agree. Fish keeping is tougher than I thought it would be. R.I.P. Socks.
Useful vocabulary
love at first sight~一目ぼれ
Do you believe in love at first sight?: 一目ぼれを信じますか.
German officials have offered assurances that the incident will be pursued vigorously. :
head home~家に帰る
It's almost midnight. Shouldn't you be heading home? :
protocol~外交儀礼, 儀典、礼儀作法、慣習
They are trying to shed some of its stifling protocol. :
on the verge of~今にも~しようとして
I was on the verge of agreeing with him when someone cried, "He's a liar!" :
hit the sack~床に就く
Last night, I hit the sack before midnight. : 昨夜は夜中の12時前に床に就いた。
Let's hit the sack. : さあ寝よう
R.I.P.~Rest In Peace 〔魂などが〕安らかに眠る、〔霊などが〕休まる
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