http://www.hotflushrecordings.com/download.htmlI've still got a little bit of work left this week. I'm doing some of it now while I listen to that mix. For some people, the holiday has already arrived. For others, there's a bit of the work week left.
× I hope you don't have to overwork this week.
○ I hope you don't have to work overtime this week.
- 残業 (ざんぎょう) (n,vs) overtime (work); (P); (definition from Edict)
- work overtime (definition from Eijiro on the Web) 残業する、時間外勤務をする、時間外労働をする、就業時間以上に働く、超過勤務をする、余分に働く
- It may occasionally be necessary for employees to work overtime in order to finish a particular project. : 《就業規則》業務の都合で時間外に勤務しなければならない場合がある。
- If necessary, I'm not reluctant to work overtime. : 必要であれば、残業も気になりません。
- overworked【形】過重労働{かじゅう ろうどう}の (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
- This caused the drivers to become overworked. このことで、乗務員は過労の状態になった。
If you have been working overtime, I hope your overtime pay is good!
- 残業手当 (ざんぎょうてあて) (n) overtime pay;
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