- not too crazy about ~についてあまり気乗りがしない (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
- turn someone off from(人)に~する気をなくさせる
Here's the definition of "in any case" from Eijiro on the Web:
- in any case どんな場合{ばあい}でも、とにかく、ともかく
In Bangkok, this plate of vegetables and rice was only about ¥100. Great, right?
That's about it for this series about "in" and "case". Just in case you missed the previous posts, here are links to all of the posts in the series:
in case: http://upgradeenglish.blogspot.com/2009/11/in-case.html
in case of: http://upgradeenglish.blogspot.com/2009/11/in-case-of.html
in the case of: http://upgradeenglish.blogspot.com/2009/12/in-case-of.html
in someone's case: http://upgradeenglish.blogspot.com/2009/12/in-someones-case.html
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