When I was on the airplane, there was a message
to the effect that:
- In case of an emergency landing in water, use the seat cushion as a flotation device.
- to the effect that ~という旨の The government made a statement to the effect that it's against the war. : 政府は、その戦争には反対であるという趣旨の声明を発表しました。(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
- 降下 (こうか) (n,vs) fall; descent; (plane) landing; (atmos.) depression; (P); (definition from Edict)
- flotation device 救命胴衣{きゅうめい どうい}、救命具{きゅうめいぐ}(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
It means "if there is an emergency landing in water, you should use the seat to avoid
- 水死 (すいし) (n,vs) drowning; (P);
In the case of "
in case of", use it like this:
- In case of __(n)__, (imperative sentence).
Here's some really strange marketing copy. It says:
- Breath Communication / Etiquette
Let me give you some advice, OK?
In case of someone trying to communicate with you by means of their breath, run
like hell.
- like hell 死に物狂いで、必死に (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
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