After my Japanese lesson, I went to the drug store and bought this Chinese medicine. Taking the medicine helped.
Sometimes I hear from people in a similar situation; they often use the word "release". However, it's not the right choice. Check these sentences:
× After taking the medicine, I was release. <- sounds similar, but this is wrong"Release" has several meanings, like (definitions from Edict):
× After taking the medicine, I was relief. <- "relief" is a noun
○ After taking the medicine, I was relieved. <- OK!
○ I started to feel better, which was a relief. <- here's how to use the noun
- 解放 (かいほう) (n,vs) (1) release; unleashing; liberation; emancipation; setting free;
- 取り離す (とりはなす) (v5s,vt) to release; to let go (of);
- 安神 (あんしん) (adj-na,n,vs) relief; peace of mind;
- 緩和 (かんわ) (n,vs) relief; mitigation; alleviation; relaxation; softening; (P);
- すうっと (vs,adv) (on-mim) refreshed; relieved;
- 和らげる (やわらげる) (v1,vt) to soften; to moderate; to relieve; (P); <- in English, "relieve" is a verb
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