When I was
feeling under the weather, some people asked me:
× Are you swine flu?
feel under the weather 具合{ぐあい}が良くない (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
How can I be a
disease? I'm a human being (at least most of the time)!
- 病気 (びょうき) (n,adj-no) illness; disease; sickness; (P);
They mean to ask:
○ Do you have the swine flu?
○ No, I didn't have it.
have a serious disease 重病{じゅうびょう}[重い病気{びょうき}]にかかっている (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
However, it is hard for me to wake up in the morning. Why?
× I am low blood pressure.
○ I have low blood pressure.
low blood pressure《医》低血圧{ていけつあつ}
As a result, for the first 20 minutes of every day...
○ I am a zombie!
That lasts until I can drink some tea. I struggle to make it to this tea pot, brew some tea, and drink it. Slowly, I become a human being again.
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