This Starbucks ad is telling us to bring my cup. 「マイカップ」 If you bring マイカップ, who will bring your cup? Do you think our cups are nicer than their cups? Is her cup bigger than his cup? (Are you confused yet? I am.)
The eco-friendly movement is gaining a foothold in Japan. That is a great thing because it is good for the environment. However it is another example of wasei~eigo. Other such examples include マイバッグ, マイカー, マイペース, マイホーム. Instead of マイ~, you should use my own/(one's) own. Look at the example below.
X A: John has マイカー。
B: Why does John have your car? Did you lose your car gambling?
A: No, John has マイカー。
B: Is he borrowing it for a while?
A: No, John has マイカー。
B: I don't get it. Why would John be driving your car?
O A: John has his own car.
B: What kind of car does he drive?
So the next time you go to Starbucks be sure to bring your own cup, not マイカップ. Anyway, Starbucks extended their 50 yen discount (only if you bring your own cup or tumbler) until Christmas day. It's the season to be jolly, LA, LA, LA, LA, la-la-la-la.....
gain a foothold
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