For a few days, I want to talk about how to use the word "
case". Today is the phrase "
in case". Here's the definition from Eijiro on the Web:
in case 念のため、万が一(~する場合{ばあい})の用心{ようじん}に、万が一[もしもの場合{ばあい}]に備えて、何かあるといけないので、~するといけないから、万一{まんいち}~の場合{ばあい}には◆ifよりも口語的
・(Just) in case you didn't know yet, his website is gone for good. : すでにご存じとは思いますが、一応念のために言うと、彼のウェブサイトは永久閉鎖されました。
In case" is used like this:
in case __(a situation with a subject and verb)__, __(something you do, often beforehand, to prevent something bad from happening)__.
- 事前 (じぜん) (n,adj-no) prior; beforehand; in advance; (P); (definition from Edict)
- その後 (そのあと) (n-adv,n-t) after that; afterwards; thereafter; (definition from Edict)
× In case my headphones break, I have to buy a new pair. <- this is done afterwards, not before
× In case of I break my headphones, I have a backup pair. <- I'll talk about "in case of" another day.
× In the case of I break my headphones, I have a backup pair. <- I'll talk about this in another post, too.
○ In case I break my headphones, I have a backup pair. <- My headphones might break. If they do, I have a backup pair that I can use.
Read this post once more, just in case.
- Just in case. 念のために。/万が一の場合に備えて。
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