
「get along」と「get alone」の違いは何?

Maybe everybody knows that I can't get along without my bicycle.
  • get along without ~なしでやっていく(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
On Sunday, I went to the Cycle Mode bicycle show at Makuhari Messe.
It was really great to see all of the bicycles and bicycle gear. Some people thought it was really great to see the booth babes, as well.
  • booth babe〔展示会{てんじかい}などの〕コンパニオンガール、キャンギャル 表現パターン booth girl [babe, chick] (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
There were a bunch of salivating men standing around taking pictures.
  • practically salivating
    《be ~》よだれが出そうだ、舌なめずりしている◆期待感・好条件・購入意欲など主に比喩的に。(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
Probably those guys would like to get her alone.
  • get someone alone
    (人)を独り占めする、(人)と二人きりになる (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
I just thought the way she was staring blankly into space was weird.
  • stare blankly into space ぼんやりと空間{くうかん}[空中{くうちゅう}]を見詰める
  • 気色悪い (きしょくわるい) (adj-i) (1) weird; disgusting; sickening; (int) (2) yuck! (with an exclamation mark); eww!; (definition from Edict)
  • weird 奇妙{きみょう}な、風変わり{ふうがわり}な、変な、変わった (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
Somehow I just don't think we would get along.
  • get along with (人)と仲良くする[付き合う・やっていく・暮らす]、(人)と良い関係{かんけい}にある、(人)と気[相性{あいしょう}・うま]が合う、(人)と歩調{ほちょう}を合わせる◆【直訳】人と平行状態になる (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
  • I don't get along (well) with her. : 彼女とは肌が合わない。(example from Eijiro on the Web)

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