People find our blog looking for all kinds of things.
For example, somebody found our blog while searching for "スキルアップ 英語で". The answer is "improve one's skills", as in "my Japanese reading ability is still really weak. I need to improve my skill at Chinese characters."
Here's the top five English-related search terms that brought people to our blog.
5. because of 使い方
4. look look like 違い
3. パーカー 英語
2. as to as for 違い
1. パプリカ 英語
For "because of", we wrote this blog post:
The difference between "look" and "look like" was explained here:
Like I wrote the other day, the post explaining that パーカー in English is "hoodie" is here:
Distinguishing between "as to" and "as for" was done in this post:
Finally, I talked about peppers (パプリカ) in this post:
The other day, some people commented about the photo I had posted of my self. They said that I looked like a strange gnome.
- gnome【2名】〔大地{だいち}の精の〕ノーム◆地中に住むとされる伝説上の小人で、伝統的に色鮮やかな、先のとがった丸い帽子をかぶり、ひげを生やした老人の姿で描かれる。ゴブリン(goblin)と異なり、おとなしくまた自然を慈しむとされる。(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
Since they thought I looked strange, they suggested that I put a better picture of myself. Because of that, one student took this picture of me in my hoodie. After taking the picture, she said "you look normal". Maybe you think I still look strange to be wearing the hood indoors!
Did you notice those popular key word searches above? As for peppers, I haven't cooked with them recently. However, because of this post, I have now realized it has been a while since I've eaten green peppers. I think I'll cook such a dish soon.
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