Some people in class the other day were asking about how to use "how". Here's the advice I gave them. "How" has at least three meanings when used in a question.
- How do I do it? "how" = "way", どうやって..., answer with a method, as in "Do it this way."
- How does he feel? "how" = どのよう..., answer with an adjective, as in "It feels great!"
- How cold was it? "how" = どのくらい...[how + adj/adv]... answer with an adverb, as in "It was very cold."
- prevent ~ from 〔主語は〕~が…するのを防ぐ[邪魔{じゃま}する]、~に…させない、~が…できないようにする、~が…にならないように予防{よぼう}する、〔主語が原因{げんいん}で〕~は…できない (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
- trunk〔木の〕幹 (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
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