

I have to apologize for not posting in the past two weeks. My grandmother became very ill, so I returned to America to see her. She passed away while I was there.
  • pass away - 亡くなる、死ぬ、死亡する、死去する、他界する、逝去する、逝く、この世を去る、永眠する、帰らぬ人となる、去る、終わる、廃れる、なくなる、自然に帰る (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
Once I got back to Japan, I had really bad jet lag.
  • jet lag ジェットラグ、時差ぼけ (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
I couldn't stay awake past midnight, even though that's my habit. Even yesterday, I was worthless by 11 pm.

Now I'm behind on my posts, so I'll try to catch up.

There are a lot of other ways to say it, depending on the situation, but "pass away" is definitely the most useful one for you.

Still, be careful about the correct use of the words related to the verb "die".
  • die (v) 死ぬ
  • dead (adj) 死んでいる
  • death (n) 死
I often hear mistakes like:
× He dead in the war.
○ He died in the war.
I got these nice flowers from someone the other day. I'll enjoy them until they are close to death, but that's one of the problems with cut flowers: they always die. Anyway, like the cherry blossoms nearing the end now, maybe their transience makes them more beautiful.
  • transience of nature 移ろいやすさ (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
  • transience【名】一時的であること、はかなさ、無常 (definition from Eijiro on the Web)

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