Here's another picture from my visit to Hamarikyu Park. On the blog yesterday, I also talked about my visit:
This scene surprised me. The contrast between the beautiful flowers and the modern
high-rises in the
background is nice, I think.
- 高層ビル - high-rise
- 背景 (はいけい) (n) background; scenery; setting; circumstance; (P);
I imagine the people with offices that
overlook the park really enjoy their view.
- 見下ろす (みおろす) (v5s,vt) to overlook; to command a view of; to look down on something; (P);
Another thing that surprised me was how the trees on the edge of the park seem to
block out the noise of the city.
- blockout the noise of the city 街の喧騒{けんそう}[騒音{そうおん}]を遮る[遮断{しゃだん}する](definition from Eijiro on the Web)
Tomorrow I'll talk about noise some more, but now it's my bedtime. Sleep well!
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