http://www.cmflg.com/cmflg090927.htmlThe performance was only electronic music and video (notice the difference between "not any" and "not just any").
× There wasn't just any rock music.
○ There wasn't any rock music. <- this means you couldn't hear rock music at the event.
This photo is of a Belgian musician named Yves De Mey.
× He's not any electronic musician.
○ He's not just any electronic musician. <- this means that I think his music is kind of special.
- not just any ただ普通{ふつう}の~ではない (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
http://modyfier-modifying.blogspot.com/2009/09/blog-post_11.htmlListening to live music was a nice way to spend my Sunday evening. I wish I could do it more often. I hope you all had a nice weekend. Study hard this week!
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