I went again to the vegetarian restaurant I mentioned back on Sept. 11:
In fact, I went last Thursday and this Thursday, too. It was much better the next two times. The soup was richer, and the dishes weren't as salty. My only complaint is that the portions are still a bit small. Still, that goes for a lot of restaurants in Japan, especially the "healthy" ones.
× I didn't want to give you URL of the restaurant because I wanted to sure it was worth recommending. <- "sure" is an adjective, not a verb
○ I didn't want to give you URL of the restaurant because I wanted to make sure it was worth recommending.
In the sentence above, notice the idiom "
make sure".
- make sure 確かめる、確認する (definition from Eijiro on the web)
Here's the URL to the restaurant.
× I can't make sure you'll like it.
○ I can't be sure you'll like it.
- can't be sure 必ず~するという保証はない <- ??? is this right?
Still, the atmosphere is pleasant, the staff is friendly, and the food is vegetarian. Try it out if you are curious.
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