On the other side of those trees is the city. The
traffic there creates a lot of noise.
- 交通 (こうつう) (n,vs) communication; transportation; traffic;
However, thanks to the trees, the noise is reduced. No one would want to stay on the
sidewalk next to the passing cars for very long.
- 歩道 (ほどう) (n) footpath; walkway; sidewalk; (P);
However, you could easily spend all day
among the flowers.
- 中 (なか) (n) (1) inside; in; (2) among; within; (3) center (centre); middle; (4) during; while; (P);
Some people think that I'm
being too picky when I complain about missing periods and letters that should be capitalized but aren't.
- 粗捜し (あらさがし) (n,vs) finding fault; being picky;
Still, you should consider those small mistakes as noise. Once you add the word-choice mistake - "grass" instead of "flowers" - the noise increases. Look at the post from two days ago to see what I'm talking about:
The more noise there is in your sentences, the more your English becomes like the sidewalk next to the traffic.
- the more ~, the more ~すればするほどますます…
If there's too much noise in your sentences, many people don't want to
take the time to communicate.
- take the time to ~するために時間{じかん}を割く、時間{じかん}を取って~する、~の時間{じかん}を取る◆【語法】toの直後には動詞の原形が来る
Try to make your English like this field of flowers so that people feel communicating with you is a pleasure. I just wanted to
say a bit about that.
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