
ジュード・ロウ が出演した映画の名前は。。。?

I need your help. We were talking about movies in class the other day and though I am kind of a movie buff I couldn't remember the name of a movie. Perhaps you, my dear reader, could help me. It is a Hollywood movie that features Jude Law and Nicole Kidman. It is a love-drama which is set during the U.S. Civil War. You know Jude Law don't you? He is one of the main actors who appears in the new Sherlock Holmes movie. Jude Law plays a soldier who is returning home to see his long lost love. I can go on but don't want to spoil the ending for you. Do you know which movie I am talking about? Anyway, I give this movie two thumbs up.

I have yet to meet anyone who knows all the words in the English language. As a matter of fact, I use 関係詞節 in Japanese (almost) all the time. I don't know all Japanese words (and never will) so when I am at a loss for a word I try (my best) to explain the words using relative clauses. Mastering and using relative clauses in English can save the day. You'd be wise to do so. It is very easy to practice relative clauses. The easiest way is to try explaining something about Japanese culture. Pretend you are a Japanese culture expert.
Your friend: "What is Setsubun?"
You: It is the day when...
The key is to keep your explain simple and most importantly is to think of some facts (in your head) associated with what you are trying to explain, like the picture I have up.

Useful vocabulary
U.S. Civil War~アメリカ南北戦争
spoiler warning~《イ》ネタバレ注意◆ネット上で小説・映画などの内容を紹介するときの前置 き。その作品をまだ読んでいない(見ていない)人に対して、ストーリー展開を知ってしまうと新鮮に楽しめないと思うなら以下を読まないでください、と告げ る。通例、学術的な作品批評などではこのような断り書きはせず、主にカジュアルな記事で慣習的に使われる。
give/get two thumbs up~最高だね。/上出来だね
at a loss~困って、途方に暮れて
・My boss is at a loss. He has no idea how to get through this crisis. :
I am at a loss (of) what to do. :

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