I've felt the need for spring cleaning recently. One of my projects is
throwing out things that I no longer need. My new rule is "if you haven't touched it for a year, you don't need it."
- All of today's definitions are from Eijiro on the Web.
- throw out 投げ出す、投げ捨てる
This is a bag of things that I'm
getting rid of. Thanks to my bicycle, global warming, and being a vegetarian, this bag contains wool scarves that I can
- get rid of 〔好ましくない物を〕取り除く、除去{じょきょ}す る、削除{さくじょ}する、排除{はいじょ}す る、廃する、駆除{くじょ}する、駆逐{くちく}す る、退治{たいじ}する、一掃{いっそう}す る、処分{しょぶん}する、始末{しまつ}す る
- toss ~ into a trash can ~をごみ箱[くず入れ]に投げ入れる[ぽいと捨てる]
Disposing of some things is tough. I have a collection of old batteries that need to be
dumped because I still don't know where the special bin for them is in my building's garbage collection area.
- dispose of garbage ごみを捨てる
- dump 中身{なかみ}を)放出{ほうしゅつ}する [ドサッとあける]、~を投げ捨てる、投げおろす、ドサッと降ろす、捨てる、放り出す、置きざりにする
I've already
chucked about 10 percent of my
personal belongings. I wonder how much more I can
throw away.
- chuck out 駄目{だめ}にする、解雇する、捨てる、処分する
- throw away ~を投げ捨てる Throw this away. : これを捨ててください。/これ、捨てといて。/これ、ポイして。
- personal belongings 身の回り品、私物、身の回りのもの、所持品{しょじひん
Throw away" is the most common one, probably, but any of these can be used to say 捨てる.
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