
Yet と still の違いは何ですか?

Last week was a milestone in my life. No, I haven't hit 40 yet. My pet fish, two clown fish, turned 43 days old. I am new to fishkeeping and hadn't had much success until recently. I once had a fish that died within 24 hours. (Yikes!!!) My previous record was 6 weeks. I was dubbed the "fish killer" by my family. I felt guilty that some fish had died under my care.

However, the pair I have at the moment are healthy and as happy as a clam. They haven't died yet. They are still alive.

Yet is mainly used in questions and in negative sentences, and is used to mention something which we expect to happen but hasn't happened. Here are a few more examples.

My brother is 54 but he isn't married yet. (Most people marry in their 20s or 30s.)
It is 4:00 in the afternoon but I haven't had lunch yet. (People usually eat between 12 and 2:30)
I am going to Hawaii tomorrow but I haven't bought a ticket yet. (People usually buy an airplane ticket in advance.)

Still refers to an action or situation that hasn’t finished, or that is ongoing, up to and including the present (or the time mentioned). Often this "not being finished" is surprising, going against expectations.

She has been living in Spain for 20 years but still can't speak Spanish well.
George is 40 and still lives with his parents.

Let's practice. Fill in the blanks with yet, still, or not yet.
Have you made the reservations for the hotel ____?
I have taken my car to the mechanic twice but it is ______ making a strange noise.
We will leave soon but _____.
Are you _____ interested in going to the movies this weekend?
It is 11p.m. and you are ______ in the office?
It is 11p.m. and you haven't finished your work ____?

I will post the answers in my next blog.

Useful vocabulary
clown fish ~ カクレクマノミ

be dubbed ~ 《be ~》~と異名をとる、~とのあだ名がある[をもらっている・を付けられている・で呼ばれている]

guilty ~ (~に)罪の意識を感じる、(~という)罪悪感{ざいあくかん}を感じる[を持つ・に苛{さいな}まれる・にとらわれる]、(~という)後ろめたさがある[を感じる]、(~を)後ろめたく思 う、(~で)気がとがめる、(~を)やましいと思う、(~を)悪いと思う
feel guilty (about [for])

as happy as a clam~ とても幸せで[満足{まんぞく}して]
Joe is as happy as a clam. ~ ジョーはとても幸せで満足している

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