- 奇跡 (きせき) (n) miracle; wonder; marvel; (P);
- 奇蹟 (きせき) (n) miracle; wonder; marvel;
- 驚異 (きょうい) (n) wonder; miracle; (P);
- 神業 (かみわざ) (n) divine work; miracle; (P); (definitions from Edict)
- gross 気持ち悪い、嫌な、ゾッとする、吐き気を催すような、いまいましい、ムカムカさせる、むかつく (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
◯ I'm not coherent until I drink some tea.
筋の通った (すじのとおった) rational; logical; coherent; (definition from Edict)
× Usually I'm not a zombie until I leave the house. <- it means when I leave, I become a zombie! This is not true!
◯ Usually I'm not a zombie by the time I leave the house.
- "by" (prep) + __(a point in time)__ (amount of time used is unclear)
- "until" (prep/conj) + __(a point in time)__ (amount of time used is clear)
- point in time = date, clock time, condition
◯ That's because on most mornings, I've had a cup of tea by 9 am.
× Please study this post by the time you understand it.
◯ Please study this post until you understand it.
If I don't go to sleep soon, I'll be an even more gruesome zombie in the morning. Good night!
- 悽絶 (せいぜつ) (adj-na,n) extremely weird; gruesome; lurid; ghastly; (definitions from Edict)
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