

I arrived home this evening close to 11 pm, and I started to eat shortly after that. Now I've finished eating dinner, including these green soybeans.
  • 枝豆 green soybeans (definition from jmdict)
× As I was going to home, it started to sprinkle.
◯ As I was going home, it started to sprinkle. <- "home" is a special case
  • sprinkle 少量、わずか、小雨(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
A little bit of rain is actually comfortable. A lot is not.
× On Monday, as I was going work, it started pouring. <- sorry, but "work" isn't like "home" above
◯ On Monday, as I was going to work, it started pouring. 
When I got to class, I was kind of wet.
  • kind of ある程度{ていど}、やや、多少{たしょう}、 ちょっと、なんだか、いくらか、まあまあ、幾分{いくぶん}、どちらかといえば、いわば、まあ、大 体{だいたい}~といえる、~とか、あれでも~の◆断定を避けるため、表現を和らげるために使う。(from Eijiro on the Web)
× Rainy season isn't over yet, so don't forget your umbrella when you go to somewhere.
◯ Rainy season isn't over yet, so don't forget your umbrella when you go somewhere. <- "somewhere" is like "home" above; don't use "to"

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