- crowded 稠密 過密 濃密 満員 (definition from jmdict)
× Men's line up will be in the next building.
◯ The men's line-up (lineup) is in the next building.
- glamour 魅力 蠱惑 グラマー (definition from jmdict)
- lineup ラインナップ 布陣 (definition from jmdict)
- audience 会集 観客 会見 会衆 看客 入り 引見 オーディエンス 聴衆 傍聴人 聞き手 (definition from jmdict)
For me, the third problem is the biggest one. When you use "will", it generally has one of two meanings:
a) you have just decided on some future action
b) you are making a prediction about the future
- prediction 予言 予断 予測 予知 予報 予想 (definition from jmdict)
There's a special case, which is probably which caused them to make this mistake. Some native speakers have conversations like this:
A: Excuse me, where's the toilet?Native speakers do this, and probably most people don't feel it's strange. However, it's definitely only for conversations, and I don't recommend it to any of you. You and Bさん should say "it is just down the hall on your right."
B: Oh, it will be just down the hall and on your right.
If you have any connections at Uniqlo, you should let them know. If they are trying to become an international company, they should avoid making English mistakes, especially at their flagship store.
- flagship store 主力店舗 (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
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