
「take out」と「take down」の違いはなんですか?

You may or may not recognize this door.

This is the door of my neighbors who seemed to really love New Years. I wrote about them twice before.
They put up a wreath at New Years, and it stayed up until last week.
× That's when it was taken out.
~That's when it was taken off (the door).
◯ That's when it was taken down. (best)
  • 外す * pitch away《野球》take off(人を勤務から / 体から衣服・帽子・靴・メガネ・指輪などを / 料理をメニューから / 計画・予定・名簿から~を)〔【反】put on〕(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
  • take down【句動】1. 〔上にある物を〕下げる、降ろす 2. 〔結った髪を〕ほどく (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
Now it seems that they have moved away. In place of the New Year's wreath, there's nothing but a temporary lock.

I had gotten used to seeing that wreath on the door. Now, when I take out the garbage late at night, I only see this lock.
  • Take out the garbage.(生)ごみを出しなさい。(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
These two phrasal verbs have a lot of other meanings. Take a look at Eijiro for more:

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