

Our new classroom is on Bank of Japan Street (日銀通り). We use "on __ street" to talk about the location.
Bank of Japan - 日本銀行、日銀 (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
British people say "in Bank of Japan Street", but I think for Americans "in the street" has a different meaning.

Don't play in the street! It's dangerous!
in the street (definitions from Eijiro on the Web)
    1. 通りで、街頭{がいとう}で
    2. ブラブラして、住む所がなくて、あぶれて
    3.〔株の取引{とりひき}が〕時間後売買{じかんご ばいばい}の
It really is just up the street from the Bank of Japan; it's only about 400 meters away.
up the street - 通りを向こうへ、この先に (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
Back in May, the azaleas they have in front of the building were blooming beautifully.
azalea -《植物》ツツジ (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
Across the street, there's a Family Mart. It's very convenient, and the manager is a helpful guy. One evening he spent some time giving me advice on how to throw out our cardboard boxes from moving. As it turns out, though, I really did have to put them in the street for the garbage collector.

One street over is Main Street (中央通り), where Mitsukoshi-mae (三越前) Shin-Nihonbashi (新日本橋) Stations are located. Kanda (神田) Station is just a couple of streets up from our building.
one street over - 次の道
Come by and pay us a visit! Here's the details of our location.
pay someone a visit - (人)を訪ねる[訪問する・見舞う](definition from Eijiro on the Web)

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