

I was pouring sweat this afternoon. I needed to go several places, and with the heat, my body's natural reaction was to drench my tshirt.
  • pour sweat 全身{ぜんしん}に大汗{おおあせ}をかく、汗だくになる (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
  • drench 水浸{みずびた}しにする、びしょぬれにする (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
I changed out of my wet tshirt when I got back to the office.  I stuck my head in the sink and splashed it with cool water, then I felt much better.
  • splash〔液体{えきたい}を〕散らす、飛ばす(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
This bottle of water wasn't enough to quench my thirst. I felt more satisfied after a bit more water and then a cup of coffee.
  • quench thirst 渇きを癒やす(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
The soil for the plants wasn't moist at all, so I poured water in the pots. I wonder if they actually prefer the heat when we're out of the office to the cool air-conditioned air when we're in the office.
  • moist【形】湿った、湿気{しっけ}のある、ぬれた、涙ぐんだ、じっとりしている(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
  • pour~を注ぐ、液体{えきたい}をつぐ、光を放射{ほうしゃ}する、弾丸{だんがん}を浴びせる、殺到{さっとう}する(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
It will feel good to rinse off in the shower when I get home.
  • rinse off ゆすぎ落とす、洗い流す(definition from Eijiro on the Web)

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