
Hang in there!

I called my mom today to wish her a happy birthday. While chatting, we wanted to encourage each other to try to overcome the difficulties we face in our lives. One way to do so is persisting in our efforts, so we both said "hang in there." This phrase implies that person you are talking to is in a difficult place, and using this phrase is a way to boost their morale. Imagine being "out on a limb" of a tree, nearly falling off. If you hang on to the limb, you won't fall to the ground.

Here are some definitions from Space Alc:
  • hang in there
    持ちこたえる、あきらめないで頑張り通す、ふんばる、くじけない、へこたれない、ねばる、しっかりする、(その場に)踏みとどまる◆命令形(Hang in there!)で使われることが多い。◆【類】hang tough
    You hang in there. : へこたれちゃ駄目{だめ}。/しっかりしろ。
  • left out on a limb
    be ~》置き去りにされる、孤立{こりつ}する
From time to time, you might feel overwhelmed by life, your job, or even your English studies. Don't give up, though. Hang in there!

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