
sleep in と oversleep の違いは何ですか?

Here is one mistake I often hear students make. "On Sunday I like to oversleep." What they mean to say is that they like to sleep in.

Sleep in means to sleep until later in the morning than you usually do.
Sample sentence from ALC space:

・I like to sleep in on my day off. : 休みの日はゆっくり寝たいものさ.

If you oversleep it means you slept longer than you wanted to and as a result wake up late.
A sample sentence from ALC space: Oh, I've overslept! : あっ、寝過ごしてしまった.

Other "over(verb)" examples include
overrun--Sometimes the train overruns the platform and they have to reverse the train.
overeat--If you overeat, you will gain weight.
Can you think of any other over(verb) examples?

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